Our Expertise


A good reputation can take years to earn but can be lost in moments by the publication or broadcast of defamatory allegations. This applies equally to businesses and individuals. With social media and the internet, Facebook, Twitter and 24 hour rolling news, damaging and defamatory allegations are likely to be repeated in minutes throughout the world unless prompt action is taken.

Independent directories have said we are the “go to firm” for this work, acting for senior political figures, advising FTSE companies and their executives, royal families, governments and celebrities.

The law of defamation is highly complex and is continually being refined by numerous decisions of the High Court, the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court, following the Defamation Act 2013. Our lawyers are widely recognised as leading experts in libel and defamation and have been involved in numerous successful libel actions over the last 25 years.

We have significant expertise in preventing stories and material from being published or broadcast, and if they are (because they cannot always be stopped) we take immediate action, if necessary worldwide, to limit their impact and restore a person’s damaged reputation.

Don’t wait for a crisis before you talk to us. If we can help you prevent the problem rather than cure it, we will.

A skilled team of experts that show flair for the tricky stuff."

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